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Author William H. Coles interviewed by Ron Van Dam on WXBR-AM Boston

Award-winning author William H. Coles brings yet another riveting tale to the page at This one portrays the potent, soul-searching repentance of a life lived to the fullest without ever fully living. McDowell, a finalist in the William Faulkner Award, is being hailed by critics as a “masterpiece in literary fiction by a top-notch artist”. The main character McDowell, a world-renown surgeon, is on his third marriage, but only loves himself, and in a controlling way, his three kids. An avid mountain climber, researcher, philanthropist, and socialite, he uses people and disregards morals on his way to the top. But that all changes one dreadful day when tragedy strikes his family, and he is stripped of his laurels to face the man he has become. Questioning his existence and meaning, McDowell begins a journey that will lead to either his resurrection or his demise – a question Coles does well to answer. Available in hardcover, paperback a...