Raw food chef training bali podcast - https://rawfoodchef.training/ Episode 34 I caught up with Ben Richards, owner of Seeds of Life Cafe in Ubud Bali, to chat about his story and what raw or 'living' foods are all about. It's a 3 hour episode, so a bit of a marathon ep, but full of golden nuggets to get you thinking about life at a deeper level, particularly why we eat what we do. IN THIS EPISODE WE COVER: Ben's childhood and how he discovered a passion for food and hospitality Ben's experience with plant medicines including mushrooms and ayahuasca What 'raw food' means by definition Is raw food for everyone What soaking, sprouting and fermentation is How to soak, sprout and ferment foods The question that society should be asking in order to get back on track and plug into nature for a truly fulfilling experience on this planet Resources to learn more about raw foods Ben's raw food workshops What durian is (I try it for the first time...