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Showing posts with the label youtube influencers list

Build a High Powered List of Youtube Influencers - Join the channel today! In the next few days and weeks I am going to show you precisely how to build a High Powered list of Youtube Influencers who are literally *BEGGING* to promote your products or services. The course is FREE, and hopefully during the sessions, you can follow along and create success for your brands.

Find Youtube Influencers. The Hunt Begins! - Today we begin the journey of building a Youtube Influencer database for this website: This is just a basic Amazon affiliate website but since products are coming from there, we have a LOT of material to offer to channels for promotional purposes. Keep in mind though that the strategy remains the same regardless of the niche! So over the next few videos we will continue to hammer this Air Fryer product until we get a response. When we do, I will then show you how we negotiate with the channel owner and away we go. Exciting!

Hire Youtube Influencers. The Hunt Continues! - This video is part two of my hunt for Youtube Influencers for this Air Fryer. Between this video and last I've managed to identify at least 20 more channels that have reviewed Air Fryers specifically. Good start! My level one goal is go find a total of 100 channels, ANY size, and let's work out a deal. Some of these micro channels are good I'm not sure they need cash just a link somewhere on our should be plenty.

Youtube Influencer Agency. We Got a Hit, YIPPY! So after just one day of emailing 21 people, our first Youtube Influencer has responded!! Dilemma.... I don't have any Air Fryers to send out. What to do? Check this out for a simple strategy. Here is This Influencer's channel info: Name: Tom Horsman About page email: Number of subscribers: 12,600 Channel link: h ttps:// So first glance at his channel stats, his views are weak but interaction is strong. Good start!!