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So you’ve made the decision to get a breast augmentation but now you’re unsure where to go from here. There are many important things to consider when undergoing a breast augmentation surgery, such as what size, shape and feel you want for your breasts implants. There are options but each offer a different look and feel so the procedure can be personalized to whatever look you’re aiming for! Dr. Sajjadian put together some quick facts about the things to consider & the different type of breast implants that may help inform your decision! If you would like to know more, call us at (949) 515-0550 or contact us here.
Focus on the look you want and not the cup size. You may regret your decision if they are too small or experience discomfort if they are too big.
Round implants are easy to insert, need fewer revisions, and will not change shape if they move. Teardrop implants look more natural, and texturing can reduce the risk of rotation.
Saline implants are approved for women over the age of 18. Benefits include cost, lower risk of scarring, easy rupture detection, and non-toxic.
Silicone implants are approved for women over the age of 22. Benefits include a more natural look and lower likelihood of rippling.
Gummy bear implants have a natural shape, are more firm and less likely to break, and will maintain shape if the shell ruptures.
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