Novusphere is a plugin-driven database API software which uses an underlying blockchain to restore and import new data and uses MongoDB to store the imported data. Dapps built using Novusphere make queries to the data and then present this back to the user just like how a traditional database would be used. However, since anyone can self-host Novusphere, dapps using a Novusphere can subsequently also be self-hosted or use an existing public API endpoint. An example of one Dapp using Novusphere is which makes use of the EOS plugin to monitor the eosio forum contract.
ATMOS is a token on the EOS blockchain which provides fungibility and anonymity through an off-chain token system (side chain) using stealth addresses, ring signatures, and confidential transactions. ATMOS is staked on the EOS main chain to participate in validation of the side chain. Any standard EOS token, including EOS itself, will be able to move to and from the side chain if approved by validators. Validators collect fees paid into the system such as when a token moves from the main chain to the side chain and back.
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