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Showing posts with the label iChange Hypnosis

How Bad Are Sleeping pills? - iChange Hypnosis

Visit at 8.6 million American adults use prescription sleep aids, according to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Sleeping Pills make you sleep without REM sleep. REM sleep is when our brains make sense of our daily learning and helps us remember. Dartmouth College Study found progressive relaxation technique was effective in helping insomniacs fall asleep. Progressive relaxation is a hypnotic induction commonly used.

6 Life Hacks for Turbo Charged Confidence - iChange Hypnosis

Visit at Posture- stand tall with shoulders back. Own your space. Smile- smile shows the world you are at ease and makes you approachable. Self Talk- your inner voice is important to your self image. Make sure you speaking good hings about yourself. Think Positive- Positive mindset is the keys to the confidence kingdom. Hypnosis- Thoughts become things. Get Super Confidence Hypnosis

How Many Calories are you Drinking - iChange Hypnosis

Visit at American Journal of Clinical Nutrition- 37% of daily calories come from drinks. Can of soda 140 calories Glass of Milk 130 Calories Milkshake 400 Calories Coffee with Milk and Sugar 70 Calories Can of Beer 70-160 Calories (depends on brand) Water is the Best Choice Water 0 Calories Water has many Positive health Benefits

What is Hypnosis - iChange Hypnosis

Visit at The British Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis states:Hypnosis usually involves the person experiencing a sense of deep relaxation with their attention narrowed down, and focused on appropriate suggestions made by the therapist.

Why 95% Diets Fail- iChange Hypnosis

Visit at Yes, 95% of diet fails! This is because there just two things to losing weight; unfortunately, dieting experts do the opposite – increase hunger and slow metabolism.   The first thing is to reduce your appetite for food, and this does not mean you should starve yourself; as there are scientific approaches to lowering our appetite for food. While the second thing is to automatically increase your metabolism to burn more calories all day long.

6 Positive Benefits of Drinking Water - iChange Hypnosis

Visit at Benefits of Water Just tell me one thing that is essential to health that does not contain liquid or water; then I will show you something of less value!

Science Backed Ways to Fall Asleep - iChange Hypnosis

Visit at Trouble Sleeping? Want to Get a Good Nights Sleep Easily? Good sleep is essential to good health. Start enjoying a peaceful sleep each and every night with us.

iChange Hypnosis

Visit for all information at The purpose of iChange Hypnosis is to provide high quality life changing products. To assist people make positive transformations in their lives. All audio products are recorded in studio quality.  The products are layered with binaural beats and isochronic tones. The binaural beats are delta and theta waves. This brainwave entrainment is highly studied and scientifically proven to alter the listeners brainwaves.